AKBC - Open - Wed 25 Jan - 1pm (25-Jan-23) (25-Jan-23)
Board 1
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
123NT NS5-2 100012
343NT NS5-1 5075
563NT NS5-1 5075
783NT SS2-1 5075
9103NT NS3-1 5075
11123NT SS2-1 5075
13143NT NS5-1 5075
Board 2
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
122S SCA+1140 120
344H ES3-150 66
563H ES3-2100 102
781H WH7+1 110012
9102NT WD4-150 66
11123S SH6-1 100210
13142H WH7-150 66
Board 3
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
326S EHJ-1100 93
515HX SDA-3 50048
696S WHA-1100 93
845S EH6= 650210
1174S WCT+2 680012
13106S WHA-1100 93
16146S WHA-1100 93
Board 4
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
322D WC7+3 150210
511NT WH5+4 210012
692D WC6+1 11084
843NT ECK-3300 120
1172D WC6+2 13048
13102D WC6+1 11084
16142D WC6+1 11084
Board 5
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
4113H ES2-2100 120
523S NHA-1 10057
834H EC6-150 93
913H EC6-150 93
1364S SHQ-1 10057
14124H EC6= 420012
16103D ED8+1 130210
Board 6
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
4114H SSA+1450 84
522SX ED9-2500 120
834H NS4=420 39
914H SSA=420 39
1364H NSK+1450 84
14124H NS4+1450 84
16103H SSA+2200 012
Board 7
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1132H WSJ+1 140111
821NT EST+1 12057
951NT EST-1100 84
1131NT EC4+1 12057
12101NT EST-2200 102
1473H EST= 140111
1663H WSQ-3300 120
Board 8
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1133NT NSJ+1430 48
822D SH9+2130 012
954NT NH6+3520 93
1136C SH8=920 120
12103C NC7+4190 210
1473NT NH6+2460 66
1663NT NH6+4520 93
Board 9
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
924C EHK-3300 012
1074H SS2=420 48
1184H NCA+1450 111
1264H NCA+1450 111
1353NT SS2+1430 84
1444H SD8=420 48
1615D SC3+1420 48
Board 10
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
923NT EH6= 600111
1073C EH6= 11057
1183NT ED4= 600111
1263NT WS7-3300 111
1353NT ES2-2200 84
1443C ECJ= 11057
1613NT ES2-3300 111
Board 11
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
5165C NS3+1420 210
764H SCT+2480 93
1044H SD4+1450 48
1124H SCT+2480 93
1214H SCT+2480 93
1394H NCJ+2480 93
1435S WH2-3150 012
Board 12
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
5164S EHK-3150 120
764C SDA=130 93
1043S EHA-2100 48
1125C SDA-2 200012
1212C SDA+2130 93
1392C SDK+1110 66
1432S WH4-150 210
Board 13
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
641NT SDA+1120 120
713H WS5-1100 102
8142H WS9= 11075
1032H WS9+1 140210
1252H WS5+1 140210
1322H WS5= 11075
1692H WS5+1 140210
Board 14
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
643NT ED5+4 520111
713NT ED8+4 520111
8146NT EC8-150 102
1034S ED2+1 45066
1254S ED8+1 45066
1324S ED8+1 45066
1696S EC8-2100 120
Board 15
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
412C WHK= 90102
634H SDJ-2 200111
753S WHA-150 120
9124H SDJ-2 200111
1082S WHA= 11066
14112S WHA= 11066
16132S WHK= 11066
Board 16
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
415C SSK+1420 57
635C SSK+1420 57
753NT NS3+2460 102
9125C SSK+1420 57
1086C ND5=920 120
14115C SSK+1420 57
16133NT NS3-1 50012
Board 17
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
134H WCA= 420111
455D NHA=400 111
684D NCQ=130 57
794D NHA=130 57
11105D ND6=400 111
12133D NCQ+2150 84
1624H WDK= 420111
Board 18
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
136H SSQ+11460 120
455H NS6+2710 93
683NT SSQ+1630 48
795H NS3=650 66
11105D NS3=600 111
12134H SSQ+3710 93
1625D NS3=600 111
Board 19
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
184S NCQ-1 5039
354S NCQ+1450 111
494S NDA=420 84
6114S NH3-2 100012
12163D SDJ=110 66
1374S NS9-1 5039
1424S NDA+1450 111
Board 20
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
183NT SC2+2660 210
353NT SHT+3690 84
493NT SH9+3690 84
6116NT NH4-2 200012
12163NT NH8+3690 84
1373NT SHT+3690 84
1423NT SH9+3690 84
Board 21
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1113NT SC2=600 111
393NT NH3+2660 102
4133NT NH3=600 111
583NT ND3+1630 57
7163NT NC8+2660 102
10143NT SH7+2660 102
1223NT NH3+1630 57
Board 22
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1115C SH7=400 012
395C SS2+1420 210
4133NT NSJ+3490 84
583NT NSJ+3490 84
7163NT NSJ+3490 84
10143NT NSJ+3490 84
1223NT NSJ+3490 84
Board 23
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
3134S SHQ=620 75
5114S SC2+1650 111
6144S SS8+1650 111
7122S SCQ+1140 111
894S SHQ=620 75
1023S SH5+1170 48
1643S SC2=140 111
Board 24
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
3134C WSA= 130012
5114S NDA=420 120
6144C WD6-150 210
7125CX WSA-2300 84
895CX WSA-2300 84
1025CX WSA-2300 84
1645CX WSK-1100 48
Board 25
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
316PASS = 0102
4121NT EH4+1 12039
6102D ED4= 9075
722S WC2-1100 120
8132S WC2+1 140012
9111NT ED4= 9075
1412NT EH9= 12039
Board 26
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
3163D NSQ+1130 39
4123NT NSQ=600 84
6101NT SS3+1120 012
723C SD6+1130 39
8133NT NH3+2660 111
9113NT SS8+2660 111
1413D SH4+2150 66

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