Pair 6 - Liz Barrett / Val Savidan
Place this match: 12, Percentage: 41.67%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 12: Brenda Mauger / Di Hurdley 4 S DA 11 450 2 17% Board 2 12: Brenda Mauger / Di Hurdley 3 S D5 8 -100 4 33% Board 3 1: Pip Duncan / Elizabeth Gollan 2NT W H6 8 120 3 25% Board 4 1: Pip Duncan / Elizabeth Gollan 2 S HA 5 300 12 100% Board 5 4: Graham Mellsop / Colleen Mellsop 2NT S D6 8 120 10 83% Board 6 4: Graham Mellsop / Colleen Mellsop 2 S CA 10 130 6 50% Board 7 14: Anne McLeay / Paula McTaggart 3NT N S5 9 -600 4 33% Board 8 14: Anne McLeay / Paula McTaggart 3 E SK 7 -100 5 42% Board 9 2: Katie McRae / Rhys Hitchcock 5 W S8 12 -680 1 8% Board 10 2: Katie McRae / Rhys Hitchcock 2NT N H7 7 -100 3 25% Board 11 11: Dawn Dowling / Alan Brame 2 N C6 9 140 7 58% Board 12 11: Dawn Dowling / Alan Brame 2NT S D7 6 -200 0 0% Board 13 8: Jackie Humphrey / Brenda Hughes 3 N DA 6 -300 1 8% Board 14 8: Jackie Humphrey / Brenda Hughes 3NTX N HJ 9 550 12 100%
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