Round 5 - AKBC - Monday Teams - Mon 21 Feb - 7pm (17-Feb-25)
Board 1
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144H NC6=420 7-7
263H ND9=140 00
373H ND9+1170 6-6
413H NDT=140 -77
584H NS3=420 6-6
623H NH2=140 00
734H NS3-1 50-66
852H SDK+2170 -66
Board 2
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144H ES7-2100 00
264H ECA-150 5-5
374H ES7-150 00
414H ES7-2100 00
583NT ES7= 400-1010
622H ES7+1 140-55
734H EDT-150 00
854H ED4-150 10-10
Board 3
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
145D SC8=400 00
263NT NS9+3490 00
373NT NC4+2460 00
415D SHJ=400 00
583NT NH8+3490 8-8
623NT NH2+3490 00
735NT NST=460 00
854D SHJ+1150 -88
Board 4
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144S WH4-1100 -99
264S WC8-2200 9-9
374S WH9-1100 00
414SX WH4-2500 9-9
584S WH4-2200 00
625H NS4-2 200-99
734S WC8-1100 00
854S WH4-2200 00
Board 5
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
142H WCK-150 -33
261NT ND4+3180 2-2
371S SD6+1110 00
411NT WC6-3150 3-3
581NT ND4+2150 2-2
622NT ND4=120 -22
731NT WC6-2100 00
851NT NH6=90 -22
Board 6
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143D NC4-1 503-3
264D NS6-1 503-3
373S WD3= 140-11
413S EC9= 140-33
585H SS3-4 20012-12
622S WHA+1 140-33
733C EH9= 1101-1
854HX SHJ-4 800-1212
Board 7
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143H EH4= 1401-1
264H ED5= 620-1010
372H ED8+1 1401-1
413H ED5+1 170-11
584H ES3= 620-1010
623H EDT= 14010-10
733H WDA+1 170-11
853H ED5+1 17010-10
Board 8
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143H WCA-150 5-5
263H WDA= 14000
373D NHA-1 5000
413H WDA= 140-55
584D NHA-1 5000
623H WDA= 14000
734D NHA-1 5000
854D NS7-1 5000
Board 9
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143D NCK+3170 00
263D NCK+2150 5-5
375D NC7-2 100-1111
413D NCK+3170 00
583D NCK+3170 00
623H SD6-1 50-55
734H SD6=420 11-11
853D NCK+3170 00
Board 10
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
142S SD7+1140 8-8
261NT ES4= 90-66
372S SH3-1 1003-3
412CX WDQ= 180-88
584S SC5=620 8-8
622S SD7+2170 6-6
733H NH8-2 200-33
851NT ES4-3300 -88
Board 11
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
141NT SH7-1 502-2
261NT SH7+1120 5-5
373H WDQ= 140-66
412C WDQ+1 110-22
583S SH7-1 503-3
621NT SHJ-1 50-55
731NT SHJ=90 6-6
852H ECQ+1 140-33
Board 12
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143C SD9-2 200-33
261NT NH5-1 100-55
371NT NH5-3 300-55
411NT NH5-1 1003-3
581NT NH5+1120 6-6
623H WDK-2100 5-5
731NT NH5-1 1005-5
852H ED4= 110-66
Board 13
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
142D ESQ+1 1101-1
262D ESQ+1 110-77
372S NHQ=110 -22
412D ESQ+2 130-11
582D ESQ+1 11000
623S NDQ+1170 7-7
732S NHQ+2170 2-2
852D ECJ+1 11000
Board 14
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144S NH2+1450 00
264S NC5+2480 1-1
374S NH2+2480 2-2
414S NH2+1450 00
584S SDT=420 -11
624S NC5+1450 -11
734S NH2=420 -22
854S ND3+1450 1-1

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