Pair 19 - Cathy Carroll / Chris CurreenPlace this match: 18, Percentage: 46.83% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 111: John Driscoll / Rona Driscoll3 NC48-501146% Board 211: John Driscoll / Rona Driscoll1 WS78-901354% Board 311: John Driscoll / Rona Driscoll2 WHA10-1708.837% Board 418: Jim Burford / Dorothy Bain3NT WS310630312% Board 518: Jim Burford / Dorothy Bain5 SDK12-620625% Board 618: Jim Burford / Dorothy Bain adjadj Board 73: Jill Church / Rhondda Sweetman4 EH38-200625% Board 83: Jill Church / Rhondda Sweetman3 WSJ91101875% Board 93: Jill Church / Rhondda Sweetman6NT ED81214402396% Board 106: Bruce Inglis / Stephen Goodman3NT EH510-630312% Board 116: Bruce Inglis / Stephen Goodman4 SD88-10014% Board 126: Bruce Inglis / Stephen Goodman5 NC7136401354% Board 132: Michael Johnstone / Paula Gregory3NT NC772002292% Board 142: Michael Johnstone / Paula Gregory2 EH49140312% Board 152: Michael Johnstone / Paula Gregory3 ECK8-5016.368% Board 167: Trish Murphy / Christine Haronga5 EH7126201875% Board 177: Trish Murphy / Christine Haronga2 NCK61002083% Board 187: Trish Murphy / Christine Haronga4 WH59-50729% Board 1910: Bill Leach / Kerri McCrae3 EH59-1101354% Board 2010: Bill Leach / Kerri McCrae3 NS2121701042% Board 2110: Bill Leach / Kerri McCrae4 NDA1165015.263% Board 221: Sally Cole / Margaret Vodanovich4 NS29-501146% Board 231: Sally Cole / Margaret Vodanovich3 NS8914014% Board 241: Sally Cole / Margaret Vodanovich3NT SHA8-501354%
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